Friday, February 5, 2010

Watched 'Texas Chainsaw' and 'Bill And Ted Bogus Journey' at home.
Dad brought me to pasir ris for injection, dined in ananas cafe. Trained down to kallang, passed things to shihui and headed home.
Took train down to tpy around 6plus in the morning. Loitered till 8 and bought a puff and packet of orange juice. Starling and rude eyes contact were on me when i'm sitting down the staircase eating my so called breakfast. The worst part is after when i finished eating, chewing a mentos while walking down the hub, a young little boy came up to me and shouted 'CANDY MAN'. His mom then apologised on behalf of him but i smiled and walked away leaving my heart, torn into pieces. Met bernard in orchard around 1. Accompained him to fareast to get his shoe and headed to kovan to meet up with karen and jh. Took cab home after having dinner in hawker centre while the rest went for sheesha.
