Monday, February 8, 2010

I hope that someone will be able to take care of her even though it's hard to get her out of my mind, but yet i'm trying to push her aside. Seeing everyone going to school really envy me. It would be wonderful if i can rewind back the time so that i can study hard, not waste my parents money and stuff like this will not happen. And like what sister had told me ''Going out doesnt means communication. Do i even say 'hey mom/dad, today i went to blah blah blah followed by what had happened when i came home?' No, i don't.'' This already shown how pathetic i am.

Saturday,Forgetten what i did.

Sunday, Went out with parents to buy electrical applicants from carrefour. Followed by groceries in giant. Headed to vivo, river island for both dad and mom's shoe and homed.

Time for 'Autumn's Concerto' and 'Down To Love' now. Bye