Tuesday, February 16, 2010

15.02, Went to dad's brother house. Had sort of 'buffet' there. Didnt really enjoy myself because sandy wasnt there. Left around 7plus cause bro asked dad to fetch him to clarke quay for clubbing. Wanted to go in but i'm underage. So headed to bugis instead to meet ber and dave for sheesha and homed.

16.02, Breakfast in yiyin's house. Lao chee buy was there too. She gave sandy, raymond and i red packet but we left it on the sofa. Dad said she cried cause of our rudeness. But who cares? She deserved it anyway. And it's just $200. Not being proud or what, but dignity骨气(see my chinese so pro). If we take it = NO PRIDE AT ALL. So yea.

I gonna gain beer belly if i continue drinking heineken and carlsberg everyday -.-